Friday 1 February 2019

National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)

National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)


                               India is a free nation with a rich variegated history, an extraordinarily complex cultural diversity and a commitment to democratic values and well-being for all. Ever since 1986 when the National Policy on Education was approved by Parliament, efforts to redesign the curriculum have been focused on the creation of a national system of education. Given the enormity and importance of the task of educating the country’s children, it is necessary that, from time to time, we create occasions to collectively sit back and ask ourselves, “What is it that we are doing in our engagement with this task? Is it time for us to refresh what we provide to our children in the name of education?”

                               The National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) is one of the four National Curriculum Frameworks published in 1975, 1988, 2000 and 2005 by the National Council of Educational Research and Training NCERT in India

                               NCF 2005 seeks to provide a framework within which teachers and schools can choose and plan experiences that they think children should have. In order to realise educational objectives, the curriculum should be conceptualised as a structure that articulates required experiences. Media and educational technologies are significant, but teacher remains central .
Ø  NCF deals at length the curriculum load on children 
Ø  The children must be given a taste of understanding, so that they can learn and construct their own knowledge.
Ø  Make learning wholesome, creative and enjoyable.


The NCF was framed considering the articulated ideas in the past such as
Ø  To shift learning from rote method.
Ø  Connecting knowledge to life outside the school.
Ø  To integrate examination into classroom learning and make it more flexible.
Ø  To enriching the curriculum so that it goes beyond textbooks.
Ø  Nurturing an over-riding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic polity of the country.

NCF focused on
Ø  Learning without burden to make learning a joyful experience and move away from textbooks to be a basis for examination and to remove stress from children. It recommended major changes in the design of syllabus.
Ø  To develop a sense of self-reliance and dignity of the individual which would for the basis of social relationship and would develop a sense of nonviolence and oneness across the society.
Ø  To develop a child centered approach and to promote universal enrollment and retention up to the age of 14.
Ø  To inculcate the feeling of oneness, democracy and unity in the students the curriculum is enabled to strengthen our national identity and to enable the new generation reevaluate.
Ø  J. P. Naik has described equality, quality and quantity as the exclusive triangle for Indian education.
Ø  With respect to social context NCF 2005 has ensured that irrespective of castecreed, religion and sex all are provided with a standard curriculum.

o  Provides the historical backdrop; recalls NPE statement on curricular framework NPE
o  Revolves around the question of curriculum load on children
n  Information often confused for knowledge.
n  Tendency to teach everything arises from our lack of faith in children’s creative instincts.
n  Demand for inclusion of new topics/subjects results in disjointed syllabi; encyclopaedic textbooks, and traumatic exams. 
o  Proposes guidin­­­g principles for curriculum development
n  Connecting knowledge to life outside the school
n  Ensuring that learning shifts away from rote methods
n  Enriching curriculum so that it goes beyond textbooks
n  Making examinations flexible
o  Describes the social context of education - hierarchies of caste, economic status, gender relations that influence access and participation.
o  Cautions against pressures to commodify schools and application of market related concepts to schools and school quality
o  Discusses the aims of education
n  Building commitment to democratic values of equality, justice, freedom, concern for others’ well being, secularism and respect for human dignity and rights.

Learning and knowledge
                              Learning should be an enjoyable act where children should feel that they are valued and their voices are heard. The curriculum structure and school should be designed to make school a satisfactory place for students to feel secure and valued.The curriculum should focus on the holistic development of the students to enhance physical and mental development in individuals and as well as with the peer interactions.
                              In order to bring about the overall development of the students, adequate nutrition, physical exercise and other psycho social needs are addressed hence participation in yoga and sports in required. learning should be made enjoyable and should relate to real life experiences learning should involve concepts and deeper understanding. 

o  Focuses on the child as an active learner
n  Primacy to children’s experiences, their voices and their participation
n  Need for adults to change their perception of children as passive receivers of knowledge
n  Children can be active participants in the construction of knowledge
n  The school should recognize the innate ability of each child to construct his/her own knowledge, and the fact that every child comes to school with a fund of pre-knowledge.
o  Therefore children must be encouraged to ask questions, relate what they are learning in schools to things happening outside and answer in their own words rather than by memorizing.
o  Recognizes the need for developing an enabling and non-threatening environment
o  Emphasizes that gender, caste, class, religion and minority status should not constrain participation in experiences provided in school
o  Highlights the value of interaction with:
n  environment,
n  peers,
n  older people to enhance learning;
o  Learning tasks must be designed to enable children to seek out knowledge from sites other than textbooks.
o  Need therefore to move away from rigid lesson planning to planning and designing activities that challenge children to think and try out what they are learning.

                Curricular area, School stages and assessment

o  Recommends significant changes in Language, Maths, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences
o  Overall view to reduce stress, make education more relevant, meaningful.
o  Language:
o  Makes renewed attempt to implement 3-language formula
o  Emphasis on home language as medium of instruction
o  Curriculum should promote multi-lingual proficiency; can happen only if learning builds a sound language pedagogy of the mother tongue. 
o  Focus on language as an integral part of every subject: reading, writing, listening and speaking contribute to child’s progress in all curricular areas and must be the basis for curriculum planning.

o  Mathematics 
o  Succeeding in Maths should be seen as the right of every child
o  A majority of children have a sense of fear and failure of Maths: they give up early.
o  Curriculum is disappointing to this non-participating majority, but also to talented minority – it offers them no challenges.
o  Textbooks are replete with problems, exercises and methods of evaluation which are repetitive and mechanical
o  Focus on child’s ability to think and reason
o  Visualize and handle abstractions
o  Formulate and solve problems
o  Science
o  Should be recast to enable children to examine and analyze everyday experiences
o  Environment Education should become part of every subject – thru’ wide range of activities involving outdoor project work
o  Social Sciences
o  Recognizes disciplinary markers so that content is not eroded, but also emphasizes integration of themes, such as water water
o  Recommends paradigm shift to study social sciences from the perspective of marginalized groups
o  Gender justice and sensitivity to issues of tribal and socially deprived groups, and minority sensibilities must inform all sectors of social sciences.
o  Draws attention to four other areas:
o  Art Education
o  Covers four major spheres of music, dance, visual arts and theatre.
o  Focus on interactive approaches, not instruction – because goal is to promote aesthetic awareness and enable children to express themselves in different forms
o  Health and Physical Education
o  Success in school depends on nutrition and well planned physical activities.
n  Education for Peace
o  As a precondition for national development in view of growing tendency towards intolerance and violence.
n  Work and Education
o  Work alone can create a social temper.

o  Work should be infused in all subjects from primary stage upwards
o  Agencies offering work opportunities outside the school should be formally recognised.

n  Computers 
              Introduction of computers in schools is to move from a predetermined set of outcomes and skill sets to one that enables students to develop  explanatory reasoning and other higher-order skills.
o  Enable students to access sources of knowledge, interpret them, and create knowledge rather than be passive users.
o  Promote flexible models of curriculum transaction.
o  Promote individual learning styles. • Encourage use of flexible curriculum content, at least in primary education, and flexible models of evaluation oriented education, pre vocational education and generic education.

School and Classroom Environment
                                              Physical environment has to be maintained favorable to students in terms of infrastructure, adequate light and ventilation,student teacher ratio, hygiene and safe environment. Schools should also treat students with equality,justice respect, dignity and right of the students. Give equal opportunities for all students to participate in all activities without any bias. Policy of inclusion has to be part of the school where differently abled and children from marginalized section get equal opportunities. The schools should also be well equipped with libraries, laboratories and educational technology laboratories

o  Critical pre-requisites for improved performance
n  Availability of minimum infrastructure and material facilities
n  Support for planning a flexible daily schedule.
o  Focus on nurturing an enabling environment
o  Revisits traditional notions of discipline
o  Discusses need for providing space to parents and community
o  Discusses other learning sites and resources
n  Texts & books
n  Libraries, tools and laboratories
n  Media and ICT
o  Addresses the need for plurality of material and teacher autonomy/ professional independence to use such material.

Systemic Reforms

                           The NCF has aimed at bringing about reforms in the education system to bring about a curriculum that is learner centric, has a flexible process, provide learner autonomy, teacher plays a role of a facilitator, supports and encourages learning, involves active participation of learners, develops multidisciplinary curriculum, focuses on education, brings about multiple and divergent exposure, multifarious, continuous appraisal in educational syste

o  Covers need for academic planning for monitoring quality
o  Reaffirms faith in local self government
n  Proposes systematic activity mapping of functions appropriate at relevant levels of local self government
n  Simultaneously ensuring financial autonomy on the basis of the funds-must-follow-functions principle.
o  Teacher education should focus on developing professional identity of the teacher
o  Examination reforms to reduce psychological stress, particularly on children in class X and XII
n  Recommends changing the typology of questions so that reasoning and creative abilities replace rote learning
Future Steps
o  Development of syllabi and textbooks based on the following considerations:
n  Appropriateness of topics and themes for relevant stages of children’s development
n  Continuity from one level to the next
n  Pervasive resonance of the values enshrined in the Constitution of India in the organisation of knowledge in all subjects
n  Inter-disciplinary and thematic linkages between topics listed for different school subjects, which fall under discrete disciplinary areas
n  Linkages between school knowledge in different subjects and children’s everyday experiences
n  Infusion of environment related knowledge and concern in all subjects and at all levels
n  Sensitivity to gender, caste and class parity, peace, health and needs of children with disabilities
n  Integration of work related attitudes and values in every subject and at all levels
n  Need to nurture aesthetic sensibility and values
o  Linkage between school and college syllabi; avoid overlapping
o  Using the potential of media and new information technology in all subjects
o  Encouraging flexibility and creativity in all areas of knowledge and its construction by children

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